Is it a possible to get filtered boards by Trello API for a dateLastActivity.
- Can we filter boards by dateLastActivity?
For example: I want to get boards for organization which was updating before 2021-01-01.
- Can we filter boards by creation date (is boards contains this attribute)?
For example: I want to get boards for organization which was creating after 2021-01-01.
Hello @MateuszSikora
When making a request to the REST API to return all the boards for a member or an organisation, you can’t add search criteria to pre-filter the request results. You have to do the filtering yourself, in your code, based on the dateLastActivity field in the returned data.
With regards the date the board was created, there is no field that stores that value, but it can be ‘reverse engineered’ from the ID of the board. Read this article to find out how to do it.