Filters in Jira 10.3.1 are no longer in web.xml ( Jira Data Center )

I have an issue with one of my Okta filter that I used to have in web.xml. After Upgrading to Jira 10.3.1 from 9.117.4. I do not see any filter.

All I see in web.xml regarding filters is the following line:

When we try to add filters to the current web.xml file, this is the error we get:

All Jira Core servlet filters should be registered in com.atlassian.jira.web.filters.ServletFilters. Remove configuration for the following filters from web.xml:

[com.atlassian.jira.web.filters.SetupProgressFilter, com.atlassian.jira.web.filters.JiraImportProgressFilter, com.atlassian.jira.authenticator.okta.OktaLoginFilter, com.atlassian.jira.web.filters.StartupProgressFilter]

Did Anyone experience that issue?

We had Okta SSO properly working with the previous version of Jira but since we no longer have filters in web.xml. We are unable to direct users to the Okta SSO.

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The same issue happened (updating from 9.12 to 10.3).
I did a quick diff between new and old web.xml
I added only lines concerning some specific features already updated on old web.xml
=> Jira has started.

Best Regards,