First Quest "Hello World" - Installed macro not available in confluence

i’m following this tutorial but i can’t locate the installed macro in the confluence page. I hope someone can point out what i am missing.

  • node -v >> 20.18.0
  • forge --version >> 10.9.0
  • app file system folder: integration


  • forge login >> Logged in as ### ###
  • forge create >> UI Kit, Confluence , confluence-marco >> Your app is ready to work on, …
  • changed the title to “Forge App for ### ###” and added a description in manifest.yml
  • forge deploy >> Deployed integration to the development environment.
  • forge install >> Confluence, >> Your app in the development environment is now installed in Confluence
  • create new page - in edit mode >> /forge >> no results; /hello >> no results; /integr >> no results


Can you please provide your manifest definition to help me debug.
