Fix for anomaly in churn and renewal reports to be available on Jan 31, 2023

Hi Developer community,

We observed a spike in churn and drop in renewals for a cohort of our partners. We have now made this fix and it will be in production starting Jan 31, 2023. Details about the same can also be found in the Addressing issues with Marketplace reporting and APIs - January 2023 update.

After the solution is in place, you will see correct churn and renewal numbers.

We will also correct the numbers in historical data which means you might see a correction in the reports compared to what they see now.

We recommend you to fetch the churn and renewal data starting September 2022 using the churn and renewal endpoints.

Churn API: GET /rest/2/vendors/{vendorId}/reporting/sales/metrics/churn

Renewals API: GET /rest/2/vendors/{vendorId}/reporting/sales/metrics/renewal

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