Forbidden error on notification rest api call

Hello there!

Our plugin sends email notifications using rest api endpoint.
One of our customers have complained on not receiving emails for several months. After sending POST request from customer’s instance we get 403 response with error message

Sending emails is disabled to keep sensitive data secure and to meet your organization's compliance needs.

Outgoing emails are enabled and instance settings weren’t change since customer have received the last email sent by plugin. Could you explain what else may cause that error? Which instance settings should be changed to go on sending and receiving emails?

Hello @MargaritaKravtsova

  1. Does it happen for all users in all projects, or only some some users in some projects?
  2. Does it happen for those users only via the plug-in or also via the GUI?
  3. Does it also happen using the built-in workflows to send notifications?
  4. Have you confirmed that email notifications have not been turned off at the project level / notification scheme level as per this Jira Cloud documentation?

Could you, please, clarify, what GUI is? Do you mean, that customer should try to send email from this page?

Yes, that is one of the GUI pages that can be used to send emails. Also, if the project has a workflow in place to send an email to someone when a condition is met, such as the status changing, and the user uses the GUI to achieve that condition for an issue, does the email get sent or do they get the error message.

IE, apart from your plugin, what other aspects of Jira have you tested to find the extent of this email restriction?

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Hello @sunnyape
I have received responses from the customer. So,

It happens for all users in all projects.

It happen only via the plug-in. I also tried to send POST request from Postman application, but received the same response. If customer sends email from GUI it works properly.



Hello @MargaritaKravtsova

Thanks for the detailed response. It sounds like the Jira / Org Administrator of that Jira Cloud instance has disabled outgoing emails.

When this is done, emails sent from the in-built automations will still work, as per AUTO-112. It’s most likely the users are able to send emails from the GUI because that uses their personal email addresses as the From source. It’s also possible that the Jira / Org Admin has set a custom email address for those type of outgoing emails that is allowing those to pass through, but not the ones from the REST API, which uses the default built-in email address.

You’re going to need to liaise with the Jira / Org Admin of that Jira Cloud instance and find out if they recently made any of these changes. As a result, you may need to alter your plug-in to use the custom email address that is allowed to pass through, or maybe just the Jira / Org Admin will see it from your point of view and reconsider their change.

Hello @sunnyape

We sure, that outgoing emails are enabled.

We also checked, that customer uses the default built-in email address for sending notifications.

Could you suggest what else might be a reason of not receiving emails sent by our plugin?

Sorry, I can’t help any further, as there are too many variables that could possibly be the source of the issue.

You may have to log a support ticket with Atlassian or pay for specialist to come in and help resolve the matter.

+1 to @sunnyape’s suggestion to raise a support request. I’m also thinking there are “too many variables”. And maybe so many that even our dev support team might be of limited help if only you, as the developer of an app, contact them. If you could get the customer to log a customer support case, that has the best chance of getting to the bottom of the problem. Without customer engagement with support, Atlassian would not look into the customer data, including configuration, which leaves us all a bit blind.