Forge API create issue error


I am trying to create a small extension for JIRA Cloud using Forge and I am trying to create Issue on web-trigger event on certain condition. Can anyone point out what obvious thing I am missing

I am getting the following error

errorMessages: [
      'Can not deserialize instance of out of START_ARRAY token\n' +
        ' at [Source: org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteInputStream@46216db3; line: 1, column: 1]'

the payload I am using for is

  update: {},
  fields: {
    summary: 'Create this story issue',
    type: 'doc',
    parent: { key: 'SPLIT' },
    issuetype: { id: '10004' },
    project: { id: '10000' },
    description: { type: 'doc', version: 1, content: [
            type: "paragraph",
            content: [
                text: "As a User, I want to...",
                type: "text",
        ], }
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Two things that come to my mind:

  1. Make sure that you are using api version 3
  2. Stringify the payload before sending it

Our app (Easy Subtask Templates) creates subtasks like so:

   api.asUser().requestJira("/rest/api/3/issue", {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            'Accept': 'application/json',
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        body: JSON.stringify(payload)
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@jmadan I’m having trouble making sense of the error message you’re getting back. Can you share the function code where you’re calling the API?

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Hi @rwhitbeck,

here is the code

const postIssue = async (issue) => {
  const response = await api.asApp().requestJira("/rest/api/3/issue", {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      Accept: "application/json",
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
    body: issue,

  console.log(`Response: ${response.status} - ${response.statusText}`);
  return await response.json();

the payload I am passing to this function is

  update: {},
  fields: {
    summary: 'Create this story issue',
    type: 'doc',
    parent: { key: 'SPLIT' },
    issuetype: { id: '10004' },
    project: { id: '10000' },
    description: { type: 'doc', version: 1, content: [
            type: "paragraph",
            content: [
                text: "As a User, I want to...",
                type: "text",
        ], }

The payload you passing to the function is no perfectly valid JSON string. Have to tried converting it to a string using JSON.stringify?

const payload = {
    update: {},
    fields: {
        summary: 'Create this story issue',
        type: 'doc',
        parent: { key: 'SPLIT' },
        issuetype: { id: '10004' },
        project: { id: '10000' },
        description: { type: 'doc', version: 1, content: [
                    type: "paragraph",
                    content: [
                            text: "As a User, I want to...",
                            type: "text",
            ], }
await postIssue(JSON.stringify(payload));

thanks. JSON.stringify it produces the following error even though I am trying to create an issue.

    errorMessages: [],
    errors: { parent: 'Could not find issue by id or key.' }

payload is

  update: {},
  fields: {
    summary: 'Create this story issue',
    parent: { key: 'SPLIT' },
    issuetype: { id: '10004' },
    project: { id: '10000' },
    description: { 
       type: 'doc', 
       version: 1, 
       content: [
                    type: "paragraph",
                    content: [
                            text: "As a User, I want to...",
                            type: "text",

looks like you are providing an invalid “parent” value.

parent: { key: 'SPLIT' } does not look like a valid reference to an issue. Parent is used for subtasks while “SPLIT” looks like the key of a project. You are already referencing a project by it’s id (10000).
You can remove the “parent” part of the payload or (if you want to create subtasks) use a valid issue key.

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Thanks @JulianWolf much appreciated.
It works

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