Forge App: Confluence Macro Config (UI Kit) doc discrepancies


I recently moved my macro config to the new UI Kit (forge/react) with config: true in my manifest.yml. When I now create a new app with macro config I get a config object in the manifest.

Which document is latest? Can Atlassian please correct what is deprecated, thanks.
I have a production deployed app with config: true. Will it seize to work at some point?

Will the custom config always be a popup? I liked the right sidebar for config a lot.




Hi @clouless

From my experience both are correct. You can opt to use the simplified implementation where you have limited control over how you display your input controls. The custom configuration option gives you much more control on how to render and handle your config.

I’ve upgraded my Confluence macros to UI Kit 2 using the simplified implementation and that works quite well.

If the popup behaviour of the custom implementation can’t be changed, then that’s a shame. >_<

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Hi Deon,
Thanks for your notes. Then I am relieved and will stay with the simple type for now.
I have tried all viewPortSizes for the popUp version and thought that maybe “small” would render the old sidebar, but it is always a popup/modal :-/

Maybe Atlassian has some more hints/ideas for this topic :slight_smile: