Forge app for bitbucket cloud

Hi all,

I am trying to publish to the marketplace my forge app which is only a bitbucket:repoMainMenuPage module and there is this compatibility dropdown that only shows Jira and confluence as options. Why can’t this show bitbucket and if I select Jira, this will force people to have Jira to use it?

Thanks in advance


I confirm that Bitbucket Cloud apps built with Forge cannot yet be published to Marketplace. You would need to generate the distribution link in the Atlassian developer console then send the link to your customers directly for now.

Furthermore, I would recommend opening a “suggestion” issue in our open Jira instance in the Bitbucket Cloud project. If you can, please specify the component “Product - Forge”. Once you have the appropriate issue key, please report back here. It would be great to have that “feature request” so other folks with a similar need can watch, vote, and comment on that issue.


This is insane. :frowning_face:

Thanks for the quick response @ibuchanan , here it’s

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