Forge App reports an error (502) after changing baseurl

When I use forge remote, the development environment can be called normally. When I switch to the domain name, error 502 is displayed. However, I only switched the domain name and the service did not change.

After run forge deploy -e development

Hey @gaosilei,

After changing the URL in your manifest, did you complete a re-deployment of your app?

Yes, I have run the following two commands: forge deploy and forge install --upgrade

Thanks for letting me know.

Can you please provide me a Trace ID of the failure or your App ID and I can check the logs on my end.

Trace ID is 965a46101abf47d180be3e1dc31d6216-ba9ecbd01531254f
App ID is c4bee0a8-ffc1-4e3f-b95d-15df0521028c

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Hi @gaosilei, thanks for providing us with a traceId. I had a look at our logs and it looks like we were unable to verify the certificate returned from your server during the TLS handshake.

The specific error that we run into is Unable to verify the first certificate, so it seems like the intermediate CA who signed your certificate is not trusted by our root CA.