Specifically on Forge App trigger module for Jira, in the event of a user deleting an issue or comment, we are hoping to receive such event through a hook so that our app could process further.
Currently, Forge do not support deleted product events where we need to check the permissions for the deleted resource such as avi:confluence:created:page or avi:jira:deleted:issue. However, we do have plan to add these events in FY23.
As @ZwiiDoan has pointed out, support for deleted product events is in our roadmap for FY23 (not a commitment to be released on July 2022). This feature is still under development and we will make a CDAC announcement once it is available.
As a clumsy workaround, automation does have triggers for issue deleted/comment edited event. You can translate that into something your plugin can listen to (e.g. a change in a hidden custom field).
We don’t get it. First Atlassian contacted with us saying they will help us to create the app “Who deleted my issues” in Forge (for cloud). We spend time & money developing the app in forge thinking that the promise. And now, after almost a year, we don’t have the one thing Atlassian should have done.
I think you guys shouldn’t promise anything if you are not able to do it.