I have tried to set the UnsafeLegacyRenegotiation in the openssl.cnf but that didn’t help. I don’t this problem with just running node or npm install. It only happens with the Forge CLI.
Thanks for confirming @YuChangLee. I will get back with an update early next week by discussing with the team. We have also made note of the support ticket raised and will update that as well.
My node is the lts version which is 20.16.0. That is not the issue.
I was able to resolve this problem by doing the following.
Create a file called nodejs_openssl.conf, save it anywhere.
Enter the following content in the file. Note the first line is nodejs_conf and not openssl_conf. openssl_conf is used for setting global openssl configurations. However, node (Forge CLI) does not read this config section, and only reads nodejs_conf.