Forge CLI version 4.3.1 and Forge core packages - 24 May 2022

We’ve released a new version of Forge CLI and core Forge packages which includes the following changes:

  • :warning: Drop Support in CLI version 4.3.1
    We no longer support NodeJS 12.x as it has been removed from LTS. See Node.js releases for more information.
    Run npm i -g @forge/cli@latest on the command line to install the latest version of @forge/cli.

  • :warning: Deprecation Notice - CustomFieldEdit component on create issue
    The following @forge/ui library features are being deprecated as of @forge/ui@1.1.0: the CustomFieldEdit modal on the create issue dialog will be deprecated on 20 June 2022.
    Run npm install @forge/ui@latest on the command line to install the latest version of @forge/ui.

  • :studio_microphone: Announcement - Forge CLI Custom UI templates now use create react app 5
    We have updated Forge CLI Custom UI templates to use Create React App 5. This change applies to all Forge CLI versions using the new template source.

  • :new: Added - New Jira Service Management Forge modules
    We’ve added two new modules that you can now use with Jira Service Management Cloud:

    1. Jira Service Management portal request view action: Adds an option item to the request view action section that shows up request details page.
    2. Jira Service Management portal user menu action: Adds a menu item to the user menu that shows up on customer portal.
      Run npm install @forge/ui@latest on the command line in your app directory to install the latest version of the UI kit.
  • :new: Added - Custom UI support for Jira Dashboard Gadgets
    We’ve added custom UI support for Jira dashboard gadgets built with Forge.

  • :new: Added - router.reload added to @forge/bridge
    Added router.reload method to @forge/bridge . The reload method allows you to reload the host window.
    See the router documentation for more details.
    Run npm install @forge/bridge@latest in your resource directory to install the latest version of Forge bridge.

  • :new: Added - Custom UI support for opening product flags
    We’ve added a new showFlag method to @forge/bridge to open product flags in Custom UI. This currently does not work for Confluence macro extensions. See showFlag for more information.
    Run npm install @forge/bridge@latest in your resource directory to install the latest version of Forge bridge.

  • :new: Added - Inline edit on create issue dialog in UI kit version 1.2.0
    The jira:customField module on the create issue dialog will no longer offer a modal experience. Instead, the edit entry point will be rendered directly on the create issue dialog.
    Run npm install @forge/ui@latest on the command line to install the latest version of the UI kit.


Hi @XavierCaron,

Thank you for your announcement.

About “Deprecation Notice - CustomFieldEdit component on create issue”, could you clarify what we should do for the deprecation by 20 June?

I think both the create issue dialog and the edit issue dialog calls the same function for the UI kit.
And the returned value of the function is wrapped with the CustomFieldEdit.

What function will be called when Jira renders custom fields in the create issue dialog?


Morning @takafumiohtake

I have reached out to the team responsible for this change, and they should be able to advise you on this. I’ll let them comment on this topic.


Hi @takafumiohtake.
The only thing that you need to do is bump the @forge/ui version of the package to 1.2.0 version and redeploy the app. It should result in displaying the custom field edit entry point directly inside the create issue modal instead of showing it in modal after clicking on it.

For issue view the behaviour stays the same and there are no difference for it.

Yes, the same function will be called for issue view and create issue dialog, but for create issue dialog it will behave a little bit differently.

Hi @KamilRichert,

Thank you for your answer.
I understood. I will adopt the change.

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