Forge custom UI not working with react typescript

I have project in static folder named “issue-pannel”, my project is create with command “npx create-react-app issue-pannel --template typescript”. I already update my manifest.yml

    - key: issue-pannel-forge-hello-world-panel
      resource: main
        function: resolver
      viewportSize: medium
      title: issue-pannel-forge
    - key: resolver
      handler: index.handler
  - key: main
    path: static/issue-pannel/build
  id: ari:cloud:ecosystem::app/8664fedc-0343-470f-b770-a03b4f8a2b87

Everything work perfectly with tunnel, but when deploy to dev, it return empty page.

Thanks for supporting me!

Hi! To exclude any validation errors, I would try creating a separate project with the command forge create and copying all necessary files.

  • Run forge lint and see if some scope issues are present in your app. In case you need, just run forge lint --fix and forge install --upgrade then.

  • Are you running npm run build command before forge deploy? All static folders need to be built after any modification in these directories.

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Hi AgustinBarreto,

Thanks for reply me.

Let me explain steps to create project that i’m using.
First I run command Forge create, and have template structure. After that, I cd to static folder and run command to create project react with typescript and modify manifest.yml for point to my new project react typescript. Before I run Forge deploy, I already built project react first, I also run serve -s build to make sure build folder is alright. But after deploy i still get empty page in issue-pannel. I also try to update forge cli to latest version, but with version 7 I can’t run tunnel, so I still using vesion 6.2

Yah, I fixed. Just miss config “homepage”: “.” in package.json. So after build, in build forder, asset-manifest.json have wrong path to js and page don’t load.

Thanks for supporting me ! @AgustinBarreto

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