Forge DatePicker does not seem to emit events from onFocus onBlur onChange

I am quite new to Forge and jsx and may be missing something, but I am trying to use a custom UI app and leverage some of the UI components. I have deployed and installed and running the app locally using Tunnel with no issues
I am using a DatePicker and a TextField for AUI. The TextField is working fine for onFocus onBlur onChange, while nothing is working for DatePicker. For the DatePicker, the assigned event functions fire but no event is returned to parse. From what I can tell the docs, the prop type for TextField events and DatePicker are the same, which is: (e: FocusEvent) => void.

I have tried this format:
<DatePicker name=‘startDate’ id=‘startDate’ onFocus={ (e)=>handleFocus(e) } />

as well as this format:
<DatePicker name=‘startDate’ id=‘startDate’ onFocus={handleFocus} / >

Help appreciated