Forge Jira custom field rendering: request for new UI Kit component

Hello !

Forge now offers the ability to define Jira custom fields.
Those fields can have a custom UI Kit rendering which is used when displayed in a Jira Issue view.

Unfortunately, when using such custom field in another application, fetching this custom field value using the Jira REST API, there is no mechanism to get the custom rendering. For example if a custom field storing a data structure as its value is fetched via the Jira REST API, the only rendering possible is to display the object itself, which differs from what is displayed when Jira is rendering the field.

I would very much would like Atlassian to provide a new UI Kit component for rendering Forge Custom Fields.
The idea would be to get a component similar to the User component.

CustomField UI Kit component.
A component that renders a Forge Jira custom field, using the rendering function as defined in Forge Jira custom field rendering hierarchy.

  • issueIdOrKey
  • fieldId

Having such a component would make the Forge Jira custom fields even more versatile and allow their usage by any application in any context, not only the context of the Forge Application defining the field.

To community: What do you think of this proposal ?
To Atlassian: is this forum post sufficient to formulate my suggestion or do I need to create a ticket in the developer support site ?


Hi @FabienLydoire,

+1, we would love to have such a mechanism. But to be honest, for me the first step would be to support custom field rendering in all standard views (like Issue Navigator, Boards, Cards).

Do you mean inside Jira or for another product like Confluence?


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I mean in any Forge module, being able to get the rendered custom field, regardless of the Forge app defining the custom field.

For example, a Forge App MyAppA defines a custom field with a rendered view, and the ForgeApp MyAppB queries Jira using the REST API and uses the CustomField uikit component to render it.

Added Jira card.

Some time ago, I created a feature request for something like this:

The only current alternative is to use the formatter expression