Forge Macro in new site shows red "forbidden" circle when trying to hit allow on the "For this app to display, you need to allow the app to access Atlassian products on your behalf." screen

I developed the macro in a dev site and then installed it in our prod site using the distribution link.

The macro can be added and I get the normal first-time message about
For this app to display, you need to allow the app to access Atlassian products on your behalf.
but I am not able to hit Allow because the mouse over turns into a red circle.

I’m a site admin (able to install the app and see the app listed in the admin pages)

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I have also tried this in the view-mode page (suggested by Solved: "Allow access" button is not active)

In that scenario, I don’t get a button at all.

Hmm that’s strange. One thing you could try is opting into our new simplified user consent flow which should mean that prompt is skipped entirely.

You just need to:

  • add the autoUserConsent: true flag to your manifest
  • re-deploy your app
  • upgrade to the new version of the app (from the connected apps page)
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Thanks. That seemed to address it.

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