Forge Quest: Your First Quest

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First quest completed! :hammer_and_wrench: Bring on more adventure!


Nice job Neil!

Recently Completed the first quest.
The documentation needs to be updated

  1. The latest forge version soes not have a UI Kit 2 option.
  2. There are a few applications of the ui kit that have changed (Heading and StatusLozenge)
    Oherwise it was great fun nd a good intro into the forge app dev
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Thanks for the feedback @jimmyjames !! I’ve been on vacation, but now that I’m back, I’ll get on to updating the docs

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It was quite a nice quest! :slightly_smiling_face:

I still remember the Dragon Slayer! (and first experiments with Docker)

Feedback for this tutorial:

  • Since Docker is no longer in use, it should be removed from the tutorials as it is misleading (e.g., “Docker must be set up and running”).
  • From the 1st to the 2nd part, the <name> placeholder appears in the heading, and it is described as if it should look like this.
  • *) I encountered some issues with the space template. I had to register the app because I didn’t receive the ID. Maybe it was a temporary glitch.



Completed the first quest! yay!



Thanks so much for your feedback! I’ve resolved these issues from your feedbak now.

Congratulations and thanks for taking part!

Nice job Mark, thanks for taking part

Done! The tutorial made it easy to hit the ground running :man_running:


Hey @AdoniasLopez. Welcome to the developer community, and great work on the Forge Quest!

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Done! It’s super intuitive guide and now to expand the theme and keep building it!

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Thanks @shootyou! Good luck with your apps.