Forge Tunnel - Error checking docker image

When I try to run the forge tunnel command I am getting an exception being thrown. This is with the latest forge libraries.

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Do you have Docker installed?

You know, I thought I did, but it turns out I didn’t (forgot that I had just switched laptops) :man_facepalming:

So, I installed Docker but now I get this error when running forge tunnel

Is Docker running? :sweat_smile:

Ran into something similar yesterday and realized I wasn’t actually running Docker


Well that’s another facepalm moment for me. That fixed it. Thanks!

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FYI, this happens even when Docker is installed and running.
I found that in the Docker app, I was no longer logged in with my “Docker ID”. Only after re-authenticating in Docker I was able to pull the forge-tunnel-docker container and use ‘forge tunnel’ successfully.


I have the same problem, even with Docker running. Do u know any alternative solutions?

service docker status
● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2022-03-06 16:20:37 +03; 3h 35min ago
TriggeredBy: ● docker.socket
   Main PID: 1903 (dockerd)
      Tasks: 20
     Memory: 745.0M
     CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service
             └─1903 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock
forge tunnel
Tunnel redirects requests you make to your local machine. This occurs for any Atlassian site where your app is installed in the development environment. You will not see requests from other users.
Press Ctrl+C to cancel.

Checking Docker image... failed   
Cannot pull the tunnel image.

It’s solved! Just tried a few days later. It might be related to my network/ISS.

For this Item, I exec the comand with sudo sudo forge tunnel with docker install in PC

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I have a lot of problems with ipv4 ipv6 topic. I have tried to turn on or off ipv6, but it seams that with wsl2 to make forge work ipv6 must be enabled on all interfaces, even your ethernet or wifi interface in host machine.

This works for me ! Thanks, two days with this issue haha

I have Docker installed and running.
I have also logged into docker. I still get the same error.
Though docker shows the forge tunnel image and the container.

% docker login     
Authenticating with existing credentials...
Login Succeeded

% forge tunnel
Tunnel redirects requests you make to your local machine. This occurs for any Atlassian site where your app is installed in the specific development environment. You will not see requests from other users.
Press Ctrl+C to cancel.

Checking Docker image... failed   
Cannot pull the tunnel image.

Checking Docker image... failed   
Cannot pull the tunnel image.

Tunnel uses an anonymous ngrok account, which has a time limit of 2 hours. After that time, you'll need to restart your tunnel.

=== Running forge lint...
No issues found.

=== Bundling code...
✔ Functions bundled.

=== Snapshotting functions...
No log output.

Listening for requests...

% docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
22c4e026f255   atlassian/forge-tunnel:latest   "/tini -g -- /bin/ba
"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute>8000/tcp   forge-tunnel-docker-95592

% docker images | grep forge
atlassian/forge-tunnel                          latest              677483b548a0   5 days ago      590MB

% forge --version
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Hello @rajurajvijay619 ,

This might be a side effect related to the release of a new Docker version. This has been reported in "Cannot pull the tunnel image" . A fix is in progress (see [FRGE-1262] - Ecosystem Jira)

As a workaround, could you please try to do the following?
Set DOCKER_CLI_HINTS=false in your shell environment to suppress this message, or uncheck the “Show CLI Hints” option in the Docker Desktop settings.

Best regards,


Thank you @NicolasGrunberg , I don’t see the misleading message now.

% export DOCKER_CLI_HINTS=false

% forge tunnel            
Tunnel redirects requests you make to your local machine. This occurs for any Atlassian site where your app is installed in the specific development environment. You will not see requests from other users.
Press Ctrl+C to cancel.

Checking Docker image... 100%   
Your Docker image is up to date.
Tunnel uses an anonymous ngrok account, which has a time limit of 2 hours. After that time, you'll need to restart your tunnel.

=== Running forge lint...
No issues found.

=== Bundling code...
✔ Functions bundled.

=== Snapshotting functions...
No log output.

Listening for requests...

NOTE: We need to export the variable, not merely set it.


% forge tunnel       
Tunnel redirects requests you make to your local machine. This occurs for any Atlassian site where your app is installed in the specific development environment. You will not see requests from other users.
Press Ctrl+C to cancel.

Checking Docker image... failed   
Cannot pull the tunnel image.

Checking Docker image... failed   
Cannot pull the tunnel image.

I had the same issue: Cannot pull the tunnel image.
However, this doesn’t seem to be the real problem why forge tunnel stopped working.
I had Docker running fine and the latest image was correctly pulled.

What happened is that ngrok was not correctly setup. Follow closely the first paragraph here:, namely setting up the correct credentials for ngrok.

Of course, forge could better report the actual error.


@ccosmin saved me

I’ve had the same issue, upgraded forge, upgraded docker, fixed the cli_hints, nothing helped.

Eventually found out (by creating a new a project) that a comment in manifest.yml just exits “forge tunnel” without any explanation.

I guess I should have tried forge lint manually to debug forge tunnel. I hope this saves somebody’s hour in the future :slight_smile:

This solved the issue.

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Hey community,

Thanks for posting about your problems & solutions on this thread. I’m going to lock this thread because the symptom has multiple possible underlying problems with multiple possible solutions.

For people who stumble across this thread in future, please know the following error message has multiple meanings:

Checking Docker image... failed  
Cannot pull the tunnel image.

Please try the solutions mentioned here, especially DOCKER_CLI_HINTS=false. However, if that’s not enough to solve the problem, please create a new topic. Problems related to this error message will need additional details such as:

  • Forge CLI version: forge --version
  • Verbose output: forge tunnel --verbose
  • Docker version: docker --version
  • Any network details, such as intermediate web proxies between your host and Atlassian.