Forge tunnel is stuck in an endless reload loop whenever I change a frontend component

It’s very annoying having to reload forge tunnel while testing the UI;

It doesn’t happen on every project; But if I knew what was different about this one I would have fixed it already.

Any ideas

Hey Owen,
I haven’t seen that before, have you tried running it in debugging mode to get more information about what is happening?


npx forge tunnel --verbose

But I don’t get any more information; Is there a better command to use?

I can confirm that it happens both in Chrome and in Firefox

Hey, I have the same problem here!
Using UI KIT the forge tunnel goes into loop, I have the same import { example } from ‘./example’; logic on few .jsx files.
After I added that forge tunnel went looping.

It would be great if you can take some video recording so that we can know more on how it happens. Thanks a lot

The problem is this.