[Forge Web trigger] Internal error occurred: Failed to get web trigger URL: Request Entity Too Large

  1. Last week, I successfully called ‘await webTrigger.getUrl(“webtriggerName”)’ within my Forge app.
  2. This week, executing the same code results in ‘Internal error occurred: Failed to get web trigger URL: Request Entity Too Large.’.
  3. Manually executing ‘forge webtrigger’ on the CLI results successfully in ‘https://11c96bec-2917-44fd-b256-6a13a8813368.hello.atlassian-dev.net/x1/…’.

Please help to solve this problem because it is a show-stopper in production!

Hi @frank.polscheit,

Welcome to our community and thank you for raising this with us.

I can confirm that I’ve been able to reproduce the problem earlier today and raised this: [FRGE-643] - Ecosystem Jira

There are a few options to avoid this problem that I’ve added as a workaround in the ticket.

Please let us know if they are not feasible for the app in question.
