Found Type errors found in Bamboo Hello world plugin

I am working with the Atlassian SDK to develop a bamboo plugin. I am new to working on plugins and the whole SDK process. I have setup the SDK, bamboo and all the recommended products and created a hello world plugin with atlas-create-bamboo-plugin. Out of the box I am running atlas-run. The output shows a couple of errors. The process does not complete properly.

Here are the errors that I see in the build process. [ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.export.ModuleType] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

[ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.imports.StashImport] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

[ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.imports.RefappImport] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

[ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.imports.JiraImport] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

[ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.imports.ConfluenceImport] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

[ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.imports.FecruImport] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

[ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.imports.BitbucketImport] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

[ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.imports.BambooImport] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

[ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.component.RefappComponent] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

[ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.component.JiraComponent] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

[ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.component.FecruComponent] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

[ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.component.ClasspathComponent] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

[ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.component.BambooComponent] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

[ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.component.BitbucketComponent] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

[ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.component.StashComponent] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!

[ ERROR ] Found a type [com.atlassian.plugin.spring.scanner.annotation.component.ConfluenceComponent] annotated as a component, but the type is not a concrete class. NOT adding to index file!!