Get a Jira issue creation timestamp in Forge

I’m working on a Forge app that performs operations on a Jira issue based on some rules, and one of them is the issue creation date and time. Meaning, my app will only operate on the issue once it’s eligible and that happens in a pre-defined time window.

I’ve tried and successfully accessed some of the issue properties, doing something like this:

const issueType = context?.extension.issue.type;

The same approach didn’t work for the timestamp though.

I even tried to use the approach suggested here, but it didn’t work, as my issue did return HTTP 200 OK, but an empty array of properties.

The solution I found browsing for a while was to create a custom field with the said timestamp and querying it doing something like this:

const loadCustomFields = async () => {
    const customFieldsPath = `/rest/api/3/issue/createmeta/${projectKey}/issuetypes/${issueTypeId}?maxResults=200`;
    const customFieldsResponse = await requestJira(customFieldsPath, {
      headers: {
        'Accept': 'application/json'

const jsonResponse = await customFieldsResponse.json();
   var fieldsArray = [];
    Object.keys(jsonCustomFields).forEach(function(key) {
    fieldsArray.forEach(function(item) {
      if ('issueCreationTimestamp' == {
        issueCreationTimestamp = item.key;

But that seems like a lot of work for something as simple as getting the jira issue creation time.

Any tips/suggestions on this guys?


Hello @LucasXavierFerreira

The creation date of an issue is not a property, so you can’t find it using any API endpoints or parameters related to properties.

If you Google ‘jira rest api get issue created date’ you’ll learn that the date / time you are looking for is stored in the created field.

Just use the Get issue endpoint and it will return the created field by default.

No, it won’t. If you take a closer look at the endpoint response, it returns 2 created fields, one under "attachment": [] and the other under "comment": []:

    "fields": {
        "watcher": {
            "isWatching": false,
            "self": "",
            "watchCount": 1
        "attachment": [
                "author": {
                    "accountId": "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g",
                    "accountType": "atlassian",
                    "active": false,
                    "avatarUrls": {
                        "16x16": "",
                        "24x24": "",
                        "32x32": "",
                        "48x48": ""
                    "displayName": "Mia Krystof",
                    "key": "",
                    "name": "",
                    "self": ""
                "content": "",
                "created": "2022-10-06T07:32:47.000+0000",
                "filename": "picture.jpg",
                "id": 10000,
                "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
                "self": "",
                "size": 23123,
                "thumbnail": ""
        "sub-tasks": [
                "id": "10000",
                "outwardIssue": {
                    "fields": {
                        "status": {
                            "iconUrl": "",
                            "name": "Open"
                    "id": "10003",
                    "key": "ED-2",
                    "self": ""
                "type": {
                    "id": "10000",
                    "inward": "Parent",
                    "name": "",
                    "outward": "Sub-task"
        "description": {
            "type": "doc",
            "version": 1,
            "content": [
                    "type": "paragraph",
                    "content": [
                            "type": "text",
                            "text": "Main order flow broken"
        "project": {
            "avatarUrls": {
                "16x16": "",
                "24x24": "",
                "32x32": "",
                "48x48": ""
            "id": "10000",
            "insight": {
                "lastIssueUpdateTime": "2021-04-22T05:37:05.000+0000",
                "totalIssueCount": 100
            "key": "EX",
            "name": "Example",
            "projectCategory": {
                "description": "First Project Category",
                "id": "10000",
                "name": "FIRST",
                "self": ""
            "self": "",
            "simplified": false,
            "style": "classic"
        "comment": [
                "author": {
                    "accountId": "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g",
                    "active": false,
                    "displayName": "Mia Krystof",
                    "self": ""
                "body": {
                    "type": "doc",
                    "version": 1,
                    "content": [
                            "type": "paragraph",
                            "content": [
                                    "type": "text",
                                    "text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eget venenatis elit. Duis eu justo eget augue iaculis fermentum. Sed semper quam laoreet nisi egestas at posuere augue semper."
                "created": "2021-01-17T12:34:00.000+0000",
                "id": "10000",
                "self": "",
                "updateAuthor": {
                    "accountId": "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g",
                    "active": false,
                    "displayName": "Mia Krystof",
                    "self": ""
                "updated": "2021-01-18T23:45:00.000+0000",
                "visibility": {
                    "identifier": "Administrators",
                    "type": "role",
                    "value": "Administrators"
        "issuelinks": [
                "id": "10001",
                "outwardIssue": {
                    "fields": {
                        "status": {
                            "iconUrl": "",
                            "name": "Open"
                    "id": "10004L",
                    "key": "PR-2",
                    "self": ""
                "type": {
                    "id": "10000",
                    "inward": "depends on",
                    "name": "Dependent",
                    "outward": "is depended by"
                "id": "10002",
                "inwardIssue": {
                    "fields": {
                        "status": {
                            "iconUrl": "",
                            "name": "Open"
                    "id": "10004",
                    "key": "PR-3",
                    "self": ""
                "type": {
                    "id": "10000",
                    "inward": "depends on",
                    "name": "Dependent",
                    "outward": "is depended by"
        "worklog": [
                "author": {
                    "accountId": "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g",
                    "active": false,
                    "displayName": "Mia Krystof",
                    "self": ""
                "comment": {
                    "type": "doc",
                    "version": 1,
                    "content": [
                            "type": "paragraph",
                            "content": [
                                    "type": "text",
                                    "text": "I did some work here."
                "id": "100028",
                "issueId": "10002",
                "self": "",
                "started": "2021-01-17T12:34:00.000+0000",
                "timeSpent": "3h 20m",
                "timeSpentSeconds": 12000,
                "updateAuthor": {
                    "accountId": "5b10a2844c20165700ede21g",
                    "active": false,
                    "displayName": "Mia Krystof",
                    "self": ""
                "updated": "2021-01-18T23:45:00.000+0000",
                "visibility": {
                    "identifier": "276f955c-63d7-42c8-9520-92d01dca0625",
                    "type": "group",
                    "value": "jira-developers"
        "updated": 1,
        "timetracking": {
            "originalEstimate": "10m",
            "originalEstimateSeconds": 600,
            "remainingEstimate": "3m",
            "remainingEstimateSeconds": 200,
            "timeSpent": "6m",
            "timeSpentSeconds": 400
    "id": "10002",
    "key": "ED-1",
    "self": ""

I cannot replicate that problem. When I use the v3 Get Issue endpoint, I absolutely, positively, get the created field in the response. If I add the fields=created parameter to my request, I get only that one field, exactly as expected:

Given this, I can suggest you use your API test tool to double-check your request and the response you get compared to the same response coming via the Forge request.

Have fun

You are correct! It worked. Many thanks!