Get fields/columns details of Issue

I am working on to get all issues of board wise and for that I am calling API /rest/agile/1.0/board/{boardid}/issue. Here I am getting data as per my requirement in JSON format and I want to add this data in List of Issue class which I want to create.

For that I need below details for all fields/columns:

  • Id or Key of the field
  • Name of the field
  • Type of the field like string, number,datetime etc.

I have called API /rest/api/3/field and get details which I want but here I face one issue as below:
For assignee field I get details like

    "id": "assignee",
    "key": "assignee",
    "name": "Assignee",
    "custom": false,
    "orderable": true,
    "navigable": true,
    "searchable": true,
    "clauseNames": [
    "schema": {
      "type": "user",
      "system": "assignee"

In above details we find schema type is user for field assignee but we did not get details for user means user type contains which property like displayname,emailaddress.
If I call API to get list of issues using API /rest/agile/1.0/board/{boardid}/issue then I find below details for assignee field:

"assignee": {
          "self": "Self url",
          "accountId": "Account Id of user",
          "emailAddress": "Email Address of user",
          "avatarUrls": {
            "48x48": "image url",
            "24x24": "image url",
            "16x16": "image url",
            "32x32": "image url"
          "displayName": "Display Name of user",
          "active": true,
          "timeZone": "Asia/Calcutta",
          "accountType": "atlassian"

So, Does anyone have idea how can we get full details of each fields/columns of issue?

Hello @HarshModhiya ,
I’m not grasping your idea fully, but from what I’m seeing you need to get the issue’s full details right?
First of all the fields api call /rest/api/3/field will return the field properties as you just saw, it won’t return any information about what’s in it, so you’ll get the id, the name, the schema which is of type user meaning that it’ll hold the user information.
So in order to get the issue’s details you need to make another api call which is /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}?fields=*all where you enter the issue id you need and you’ll get everything related to this issue.
hope this helped !

Hello @mohamadjawadAlHajjar,
Yes, I need to get the issue’s full details but before that I want all the fields id, name and type like string, number,datetime etc to create my own model.
So, Here I want inner details of user type also.
Do you have any idea how can get inner field details?

Hello @HarshModhiya ,
Yes i got you, sure you can get all fields using the mentioned rest api the one you were using


in order to get the inner fields, i did some research and there’s no param or even an api call to get the schema fields, there’s no other way to know the assignee user schema for example, other than getting the schema itself meaning :
the assignee field has a schema of type user to get the details of this schema you should use this api call to get the user which is the following:


you’ll get the the JSON format so you can model based on that .
Hope that helps !

Hello @mohamadjawadAlHajjar,
Thanks for your quick reply.
But here we have different schema type like user, priority, issuetype, custom type etc.

Hello @HarshModhiya ,
Like i mentioned before, based on my search i didn’t find any api that gave me the information you’re looking for but, for user model you can make the api call, for priority you can visit the official Rest api’s
for the issue type check this link
and so on,… you get my point? in the official documentation there’s a model for each object you’re looking for please check it out!
Best Regards!

Hello @mohamadjawadAlHajjar,
I got your point.

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