Get/Post Cascading Single Select List using REST API


I want to add/edit the options of a cascading field, via a plug-in I am making. I’ve read that its not possible to use Jira REST endpoints to edit options in Custom Fields. So I need to use “Issue Fields”, that are declared in the atlassian-connect descriptor (I am distinguishing these from the Custom Fields). Link about Issue Fields.

So, my question is: how do I declare a Cascading “Issue Field” if the only ‘string’ options available are these?

  • string
  • text
  • TEXT
  • single_select
  • multi_select
  • number

I’ve tried doing “GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option” on Custom Fields (either cascading or not), but it retrieves an error. The only way I got to single list options is by doing “GET createmeta?expand=projects.issuetypes.fields”. However this retrieves for ALL the fields AND doesn’t solve my problem of wanting to add/edit the options.

Please Help! Thank you!


You can’t but you can.

If you use issue fields you won’t be able to - you’re limited to the JIRA provided selections.

You can use a web-panel to create your own implementation of the cascading select. You can use issue properties to store the data and make the results searchable.

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Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your timely answer. I feared that would be the only solution for my problem, although Its not difficult to do :slight_smile:.

However, it gives me another challenge: I would like users to have the cascading effect in the ‘Create Issue’ overlay panel. I didn’t find in the documentation of Jira Cloud any module location referring this place. If this isn’t possible I can conform for a less optimal solution.

Is there any way I could add this feature (cascading) in the ‘Create issue’ section?

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Hi, pedro.caetano, i’m facing same problem with you, did you get the solution?