Get user product access via API

Is there no way to get a user’s product access via API? I would’ve expected when querying users by ID or by all users, there’d be a property for product access but I don’t see anything like this in the documentation. Specifically, I just want to see if users have access to Jira, like what appears in the user’s profile “Has access on site”.

In the administrator portal we can view which products users have access to, so the data is there, just wondering if it’s available through the API.

Hi @EricMeinders ,

Product access is granted by the default product access groups. For example, all the users having access to Jira Software are members of the group jira-software-users-<site-name>.

Therefore, in order to get all the users having access to Jira or any other product, you can user the GET Users From Group (/rest/api/3/group/member) REST API endpoint to get all the users belonging to the group granting access to the desired product.

For further details on this please see:

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@Dario_B How could one get the groups themselves and get product access and permissions will via API, For example knowing that members of a given group will get access to specific products or will inherit specific roles/permissions