getDisplayUrl might return null

Dear all,

As far as I understand RFC-35 getDisplayUrl should never return null however it seems to do so for instances which have never been in contact with a custom domain.

Is this intentional?

Thank you


Hello @andreas1

Can you advise under what circumstances displayUrl is returned as null?

  1. Which specific API endpoint(s) are affected
  2. Which method of calling that endpoint are you using
  3. How frequently does it happen and does the problem persist for an affected Jira or Confluence instance

I’ve got dozens of scripts which use displayUrl instead of baseUrl and I’ve run them against many non-custom domain Jira Cloud instances, and so far none have failed due to that object being returned as null via any of the API endpoints I interact with; they all return <companyName>, as expected.

Sorry for being inaccurate. Atlassian Connect Spring Boot‘s AtlassianHost.getDisplayUrl returns zero for one our own instances.

OK, I’ll have to leave this for others to help, as I don’t use Connect any more.
