Getting all users from a connect app

We’re developing a connect app that fetches all users and their emails from jira so that we identify users across multiple applications (think github, jenkins, etc).

We were initially using OAuth but switched over to connect because only connect allows us to get user emails. However I was very surprised to learn that the “Get all users” endpoint (/rest/api/3/users/search ) does not work for connect apps.

While there could be some imperfect workarounds using the search apis, I wanted to check what the official way is for connect apps to fetch all users from a jira instance? Why is this restriction in place?


@ibuchanan would you have some guidance for us over here?


“Why” is for some reasons between privacy and platform. For privacy, GDPR forced some rapid changes that had wide impacts, many of which have not been mitigated. For platform, there are a new set of cloud admin APIs with common capabilities across products. Regardless of the reasons, there are still problematic gaps, like the cloud admin APIs aren’t available to Connect Apps.

I don’t know any way to query for all users of Jira from a Connect App.

Thanks for the confirmation @ibuchanan! Appreciate your help as always