Getting Connect App's Issue Field extractions and field option properties in Automation Rule


We have numerous fields populated by our custom Connect App. We have recently seen a need to make use of the extractions and option properties as on this

I have added the properties, the extraction and tested on the issue navigator to filter issues with the option selected with specific property value. Thanks, Atlassian for this feature.

We now want to expand this a bit and use those properties in Automation rules. For eg, if an issue custom field select option has a property of systemOwnerJiraAccountID to ‘xxxxxxxx’, how can I retrieve that systemOwnerJiraAccountID value (and any other property that is set in the extractions)?

Please advise urgently?

Thank you

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Hi. Hoping to get someone with an answer or be able to point me the right direction for this, please :slight_smile: Thank you.

Hi all, bubbling this issue up to the top for visibility to any Jira expert, please :slight_smile: Thank you