Getting error when attempting to run atlas-package on my plugin

Hello all,

I’m attempting to make a Atlassian Confluence Plugin and when I run atlas-package in my command prompt I receive this error ‘Could not find artifact com.atlassian.confluence:confluence-core:jar:8.1.4 in atlassian-public (’

I’ve tried multiple version of the confluence-core that I could find in the maven repository and it gives me the same error no matter what. Does anyone know how to fix this?

I think you should use the new repository (see

Unfortunately this repository is currently also not available (see Confluence 9.2 release EAP available now - #5 by VasylynaBurger). This may cause the problem: the artifact is not found because the repository is not available …

Hi @DylanStilwell,

Please make sure you’re using the latest version of atlas-* tools. You should have at least 9.1. These will pick up the latest changes to the upsteam repos.
