Getting sprint issues returns Unauthorized; scope does not match

I am developping forge webtrigger app, and on sprint start trigger, I am trying to get list of issues in Sprint:

    const response = await api.asApp()

but I am receiving

Unauthorized; scope does not match

my manifest file contains scopes:

    - read:sprint:jira-software
    - read:issue:jira-software
    - write:issue:jira-software
    - read:jira-work
    - write:jira-work

What may be wrong ?

Thanks, Sasha

I found a list of correct scopes for this call:

read:sprint:jira-software, read:issue-details:jira, read:jql:jira

Now it works.

Before I was checking JIRA Agile 7.0.4, but there is no scopes listed so was just guessing :slight_smile:

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