Hi @JeroenDeRaedt, that’s a slightly surprising question in context of the Atlassian Developer Community 
I can’t speak for @MufaddalNalawala (welcome to the developer community btw.!) or @just.so, but given Atlassian is heavily promoting Forge, Forge is heavily using GraphQL, and the cloud developer docs are rightfully promoting the Atlassian GraphQL API as a ‘popular service’ due to being faded in as a core platform capability, I naturally prefer GraphQL over REST from Forge apps, it’s super convenient after all, not the least due to its API discovery DX.
So challenge accepted 
Atlassian Resource Identifiers (ARI)
You can read about ARIs in a few Atlassian blog posts, most notably:
Here are two relevant Bitbucket ARI format examples (see GraphQL queries below):
Repository -
Workspace -
GraphQL API introspection
Here are the steps to discover your ARIs:
Get cloud ID for your Atlassian site (e.g. “ecosystem.atlassian.net”)
query getCloudId {
tenantContexts(hostNames: ["<hostName>"]) {
cloudId, cloudUrl, hostName, orgId
Discover Bitbucket repository ARIs
query discoverRepositoryAris {
bitbucketRepositoriesAvailableToLinkWithNewDevOpsService(cloudId: "<cloudId>") {
edges {node {id, name}}
Get workspace ID via repository ARI
query getWorkspace {
bitbucket {
bitbucketRepository(id: "<repositoryId>") {
name, workspace {id, name}}
List repositories for workspace
query listRepositoriesForWorkspace {
bitbucket {
bitbucketWorkspace(id: "<workspaceId>") {
name, repositories {nodes {id, name}}
Looks like that’s a good starting point to implement a Forge based Bitbucket repository browser in Jira, Confluence, or Compass - and hopefully soon also in Bitbucket itself 
Resulting ask for Atlassian
The bitbucketRepositoriesAvailableToLinkWithNewDevOpsService
query is a pretty random entry for using the already available Bitbucket GraphQL queries. Instead, and that’s coming back to @just.so’s original question, it would be great to e.g. provide a findWorkspaces
query to list all workspaces available to me so hat I can start from there - here’s the equivalent Confluence query for spaces:
query getSpaces {
confluence {
findSpaces(cloudId: "<cloudId>") {
nodes {id, key}}