Helm charts (GA) and Terraform (beta) available for Bamboo DC apps performance testing

Hi Developer Community,

We are launching the second phase of DC Apps Program for Bamboo and providing you with tooling that will allow for more efficient performance testing.

Bamboo Data Center Helm charts are now officially supported and can be used for provisioning Bamboo DC and for deploying Bamboo agents. Here’s the documentation.

We are also starting beta testing of our turn-key Terraform solution. It allows for quick infrastructure provisioning for Bamboo DC Helm charts. Together, the Helm charts and Terraform make it possible to efficiently deploy Bamboo DC into a Kubernetes cluster. All the details can be found in the documentation.

If you find any issues, please raise a ticket. If you have any feedback or questions regarding the beta turn key solution, use Atlassian Community Kubernetes space.

Edit to add additional documentation:


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