Hey everyone,
I am having trouble hiding a web section added by our plugin on Jira Agile Boards.
According to the condition documentation there should be context paramaters for boards like
which is the exact parameter the would fit for our case.
However these parameteres seem to be limited to URL’s and are not accessible via conditions.
For Jira Expression conditions there should be a similar context variable for boards, which unfortunatley doesn’t seem to contain the screen / mode property.
This is our web section:
"key": "clickable-item-module-key",
"location": "jira.agile.board.tools",
"name": {
"value": "Clickable Item"
"conditions": [
"condition": "jira_expression",
"params": {
"expression": "board.mode === \"work\" || board.mode === \"plan\""
Do you guys have any suggesstions on how to hide web sections on boards for everything but scrum board, kanban board and the backlog?
Best thanks in advance!