How can I hide my forge issue Glance app for other users?

I developed an issue Glance app by Forge UI kit and successfully installed that to JIRA. That shows as a dev state application for all Jira users in the project. So untille developement complete, I want to hide this app with other users. So I add a conditions:userRole: site-admins in manifest.yml in Forge app to show that app to only site-admins. Now other users cannot access the app but that app is still showing in the issue ui. Can anyone give me a steps to hide that one to only show site-admins or how to show that only development user?


Welcome to the Atlassian developer community @Stars,

We’re happy to hear that you’re building a Forge app for you and your team’s need! While there are answers to your question, the one I would most strongly recommend is “don’t build in production”. You can get a free development instance from:

Hello. I would love to hide apps in DEV environment as well.
We develop only apps for internal usage deeply tight to our JIRA instance, so developing it under test instance is not an option.

So how do I hide apps installed in DEV and STG environment for non-contributor jira users?


I did write “there are answers to your question” but it isn’t as a feature of Forge. There isn’t a simple toggle for that.

Effectively you will have to write your own “feature toggle” for the app, and perform the conditional logic in your code.