How can i retrieve the macro id for Jira Issues macro

Dear Atlassian Developer Community,

I am currently developing a custom Confluence macro to facilitate the transfer of data from user inputs to Jira Issues macro format. My macro successfully retrieves user-defined JQL and issue fields, processes them on the backend, and aims to publish the resulting data within the Jira Issues macro format.

However, I am encountering difficulty in locating the essential macro ID required for embedding the data into the Jira Issues macro. As of my research, I have found no accessible API endpoint to retrieve this macro ID programmatically.

Could someone from the community kindly provide guidance or suggestions on how to obtain this macro ID effectively? Any insights or alternative approaches to accomplish this task would be greatly appreciated.

The Jira issues macro format is (i am trying to retrieve id) :
"<a href="" data-card-appearance="block" data-datasource="{id: d8b75300-dfda-4519-b6cd-e49abbd50401 , parameters :{ cloudId : cloudId , jql : jqlQuery  }, views :[{ type : table , properties :{ columns :[{ key : issuetype },{ key : key },{ key : summary },{ key : assignee },{ key : priority },{ key : status },{ key : updated }]}}]}"></a>"

Thank you in advance for your assistance.