How can we store plugin data in jira cloud, similar like active object in server


How can we store plugin data in jira cloud, similar like active object in server.

Yes, you can to some extend by using Entity Properties. For more info see Entity properties

There are several types of Entity Properties:

Entity properties have limitation of 100, and property value size is 32kb,

we want to store per project user preferences in the form of his experience like “Known Technology”, “Known Languages”,“Total Experience”, etc. counting each user data size approximately 500bytes. So, we can store 32000bytes/500bytes = 64 users per project at most.

We can have one entity property per project. In that case we cant go beyond 100 projects, that too not beyond 64 users in one project.

Is there any workaround to achieve this?

I’m afraid that the only workaround would be to store it in your own systems. That is sort of the premis of Atlassian Connect :joy: The Entity Properties exist only for the most basic use cases.

If you want to store data for connect plugins, you actually have more freedom to achieve this. Use your own DB, frameworks, tools and technology and communicate over the wire to and from your plugin and Atlassian product. No worry, right?