How do I get a list of transitions that can be applied when creating an issue?

I see that recently support was added to the Create Issue endpoint to allow transitioning the issue
to a different status immediately while creating it.

But how do I know which transitions I can apply to it? When editing an issue, you have to hit to see which transitions can be applied to it.

Given this is an issue that doesn’t exist, where can I fetch the information about which transitions can be passed into Create Issue?

@NickPalumbo There isn’t a specific API endpoint that directly offers this information. You can attempt to retrieve available transitions for a workflow using the following endpoint:

/rest/api/3/workflow/search?expand=transition (view the endpoint)

If you’re aware of the exact workflow name, you can also include it in the query URI. The transitions where type is either initial or global are where you can transition the issue. However, it’s important to note that you may need to assess any conditions or validators on those transitions that could lead to transition failure.