How to access validator config inside function


I am trying to do some custom logic for my validator using a config
I am able to access the config in the expression in the manifest but how can I access the config inside the function I’m calling?

    - key: workflow-validator-example-workflow-validator-custom-ui-expression
      name: workflow-validator
      description: A Jira workflow validator example using expression, custom UI, and
        validator configuration.
      function: run  # I want to be able to access config['searchString'] inside the run function
#      expression: issue.summary.includes(config['searchString']) == true

I only have access to the following data inside my run function

  issue: { id: 10128, key: 'TEST-29' },
  context: {
    cloudId: '',
    moduleKey: 'workflow-validator-example-workflow-validator-custom-ui-expression'
  user: { accountId: '' },
  transition: { from: { id: '10117' }, to: { id: '4' } },
  contextToken: ''

I tried to use view.getContext() but it didn’t work

To note that when I add “function” instead of “expression”, I don’t have access to the custom ui anymore. Is this possible that custom UI and config is only available for the expression and not the function?