How to add CSS style to Forge UI kit components

I would like to add CSS style to certain Forge UI kit components e.g. 20% width to a column in a Table or border radius to Image or float right to a Button.

Is there a way to do that?


Over on another thread, @ImranParvez answered:

It looks like Forge Custom UI is your only option.


Is it not possible to use UI Kit component in the Custom UI ?

@Raviprajna It’s not possible to use both Custom UI and UI Kit together in one module. However, you can still use Custom UI and UI Kit within the same project if they are used in different modules of your addon.

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With uikit2 forge/react@10, Forge components are more flexible.
You can add some xcss to a Box component to apply custom syles, in the limit of what xcss accepts.