How to add pullRequest List column correct?

When adding a column to the pullRequest list via the atlassia-plugin.xml like:

<client-web-section key="pprrp-prlist-reviewstatus-col" location="bitbucket.pull-request.table-column.after">
    <label>Review Status</label>

<client-web-panel key="pprrp-prlist-badges" location="bitbucket.pull-request.table-column.after/pprrp-prlist-reviewstatus-col" weight="200">
    <resource name="view" type="soy" location="..." />
    <resource type="download" name="..." location="..." />

The resulting column header does not align correctly with its column values, like this:

Even changing the ‘weight’ parameter of client-web-panel or -section does not help.
So is there a proper way of doing this?

Also is it possible to change the width of the column? If yes how?

We have the same problem with location bitbucket.pull-request.table-column.after, too.
If you use location location bitbucket.pull-request.table-column.before, everything is rendered as expected!
Any advice?
Thanks in advance.

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In the end we did the same and just used the .before instead of .after