How to bulk get users as an app


I would like to be able to get multiple users based on a list of account ids through one REST call. The API also needs to be available for apps. I see that this one exists

GET /wiki/rest/api/user/bulk

but for some reason it isn’t accessible through an app (according to the documentation). Is there any other way for an app to get a list of users based on account ids (without querying them one by one)?

We use the sibling version of that api in Jira where it is available for apps:
Returns a paginated list of the users specified by one or more account IDs.

Permissions required: Permission to access Jira.

App scope required : READ

OAuth scopes required :


@rwhitbeck any magic that can be done?

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I stumbled onto this CONFCLOUD ticket and in the internal comments was a statement that this can be handled already like so:


Let me know if that works for you?

As for the bulk endpoint not being available in apps…I’ll bring this up to the PM’s.


The CQL query requires us to encase account ids in single quotes, just like normal SQL query