I have a web-item and I want to append a dynamic variable’s value to the display name of web-item. Have a javascript function that return the variable. How to call this function in web-item?
Can you expand o. What you’re trying to do? It sounds like a web-resource defines to the proper context would work. Take a look at https://developer.atlassian.com/server/jira/platform/web-resource/
You can do something like this :
- Add the web item in atlassian-plugin.xml
<web-item name="mywebitem" key="mywebitem" section="system.content.action/marker" eight="10">
<description key="i18n.key.for.desc"/>
<label key="i18n.key.for.label"/>
<link linkId="htmlID"/>
<condition class="MyConditionClass"></condition>
- List item
In your javascript, catch click event on your button :
//your javascript function
AJS.$(this).html("<span>Your new button content</span>");
return false;
Try this, it should work.