How to change back the previous AO table name

Hello All,

Recently after upgrade to Jira 9 and of Java from 1.8 to 11 we can see that there are 2 AO tables for the same custom addon:


We do not need this new table and would like to move back to the old one.

Previously the creation of the new table has not been initiated according to upgrade tasks and changes in the addon. Also, the name of the addon that forms the hash did not change.

Could you please tell how to move back to the old table or set the old table name in config of the AO ?

Thank you


This is covered inthe documentation for ActiveObjects:

Hello @sfbehnke ,
Thank you for the prompt answer.
Our issue is to revert back to the old table as the ‘namespace’ here does not solve it - it has already been set by the app to the new format and if we set it to some static value - it will be the 3-rd table (though the plus will be that it will remain unchanged or future).

The issue is that the app somehow changed the AO table name with new hah name and we need to change it back.

Thank you!

There’s no additional information to be provided. This is the only mechanism for changing the table name. If the tables were changed, that means that the namespace has already changed. Table names cannot be “changed back”.

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