How to change forge app icon in jira admin page and jira issue panel?

Hai all,
I create a forge app and ike to add icon to that app.


    - key: admin-page
      resource: main
        function: resolver
      title: Test
      icon: src/icons/favicon.ico
    - key: issue-panel
      resource: main
        function: resolver
      viewportSize: medium
      title: Test
      icon: src/icons/favicon.ico

I added this code in my manifest.yml file. Eventhough favicon.ico file is there in that specified folder, app icon is not show in jira admin page and jira issue panel.

Is there any problem in my code? Why i can’t see my logo there?

Thanks in advance…

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I have used my external web server to host the icon and updated icon url accordingly.

Hai @denizoguz Thanks for your quick reply. Is there any other way to do that or it’s the only way?

I hope there is, but I don’t know.

@denizoguz Really thanks for your help.

I have logged a feature request for this issue here: [FRGE-655] - Ecosystem Jira