How to check current storage usage for Custom Entities in Forge?

Hi Forge Community,

I’m building a Forge app that extensively uses custom entities for storage. While I know the Developer Console provides an interface to monitor key-value storage usage, I couldn’t find a similar option for custom entities.

Does Forge offer any tools, APIs, or interfaces to check the current storage usage of custom entities? If not, are there any best practices or recommendations to track usage and ensure the app remains within storage limits?

Thanks in advance for your help! I’m looking forward to your insights!

Hey @TaskManagement

I’ll check in with the Custom Entities team about this, as I’m not sure - but for now please let me reassure you that, as outlined on Platform quotas and limits: Apps exceeding quotas or limits

We understand that some quotas can be hard to monitor; as such, we are working on better monitoring tools for future releases. Meanwhile, if we detect that your app consistently exceeds our quotas or limits, we’ll first contact you to understand why.

I hope this will put your mind at ease.
