How to create a webhook with REST API?

When I run this to create a webhook:

curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --user '[MY_API_TOKEN]' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "url": "",
  "webhooks": [
      "events": [

I got this error:

{"errorMessages":["Only apps can access this resource."],"errors":{}}


Another question, if create a webhook from web page:

I can set a secret there.
How to set a secret when use REST API?
Or does it generate secret after response? If curl can’t get it, is it possible to get from http header via web redirect?

Because only Connect and OAuth 2.0 apps can access that resource, as per the documentation.

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The /rest/api/*/webhook API is available only by apps as @sunnyape higlighted.
Those webhooks are signed with usage of a secret that is shared during the app installation process and this is why not an app user can’t use this API.

If you want to create a webhook as a regular user you can use the API described here.
Note admin permissions are required to perform this operation.


Thank you @BeataSzturemska

Note admin permissions are required to perform this operation.

How to confirm and set admin permissions?

I tried to find it out on this page:

Atlassian account

But it shows

Managed account

Your account is managed.
Contact your administrator to change your email address.

I registered the atlassian account by myself, why this account is managed? By who?

If you can see a webhooks configuration page in Jira, it means you have required permissions to add them.

If you are looking for a way to check it programmatically, then you can use /rest/api/3/mypermissions?permissions=ADMINISTER endpoint and parse the value returned in the havePermission field.

In order to grant access for a user, org admin needs to go to, choose the proper instance, later the product (ex. Jira Software), and add the user to the administrators group.

Hope it helps.

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The webhook registered by /rest/api/*/webhook 's response:

  "webhookRegistrationResult": [
      "createdWebhookId": 1

The post request with headers when trigger event:

  host: '',
  'user-agent': 'Atlassian Webhook HTTP Client',
  'content-length': '7269',
  accept: '*/*',
  'accept-encoding': 'gzip,deflate',
  authorization: 'Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
  'content-type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
  'x-atlassian-webhook-flow': 'Primary',
  'x-atlassian-webhook-identifier': '1111111111111111111',
  'x-b3-sampled': '0',
  'x-b3-spanid': '111111111111111111',
  'x-b3-traceid': 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa',
  'x-forwarded-for': 'IPv6',
  'x-forwarded-host': '',
  'x-forwarded-proto': 'https'