I creating a macro for Confluence and I need a page for administrators to set technicals parameters.
I would like to know how to create this configuration page and how from my macro I get the parameters’s values ?
I would like this config button on my app: How do that ?
Running forge lint...
Error: The deploy failed due to errors in the app code. Fix the errors before rerunning forge deploy, or run forge deploy --no-verify to skip the linter.
18:2 error confluence:globalPage should NOT have additional property 'resource' valid-document-required
18:2 error confluence:globalPage should NOT have additional property 'render' valid-document-required
18:2 error confluence:globalPage should NOT have additional property 'resolver' valid-document-required
18:2 error confluence:globalPage should NOT have additional property 'useAsConfig' valid-document-required
18:2 error confluence:globalPage required properties are 'title, route, function, key' or 'title, route, resource, key' valid-document-required
X 5 issues (5 errors, 0 warnings)
Issues found are not automatically fixable with forge lint.
Removing the only “useAsConfig” prop works. But I need to have the configuration button in the app section!