How to deploy changes in atlassian-connect.json

Hello. When I’m trying to change navigation of my project nothing is changing on Jira Cloud instances until reinstall. I assume that this task could be solved on the side of Marketplace(it will automaticaly update atlassian-connect on Jira instances). But I’m not sure that this is correct.

Do anyone meet such issue? What’s the proper way to do such changes?

Change to the atlassian-connect.json are typically detected automatically and pushed to all instances (see However, there is a small subset of changes that require manual reinstall by system administrators.

I think this is the part which is most important:

If the changes do not require manual customer approval, they are automatically deployed to all customer instances within 10 hours:

and this:

Changes that require manual customer approval

Even though your app is automatically updated in the Marketplace, certain scenarios require customers to manually approve your app’s update in the UPM. These changes correspond to minor version updates in the table above. In these cases, we automatically send emails to the product administrator so they can approve and update the app.

These scenarios require manual customer approval:

  • Your listing changes from free to paid : Your change triggers a Marketplace approval. Existing customers need to approve the change to start paying for your app, otherwise they will need to uninstall it.
  • Your listing involves additional scopes: Marketplace updates happen automatically (no approval necessary), but customers need to approve the changes to continue using your app.

Before the approval, those customers continue to use the older version of your descriptor. If you can plan ahead, it’s a good idea to isolate those changes from any other changes in functionality.


Thanks a lot @remie ! It seems like impossible to test in development environment. We need to wait until this changes will deploy to all customer instances.

If you are using ACE (Bitbucket) it will automatically re-register itself to your dev instance when it detects changes to atlassian-connect.json, which might speed up your development cycle.

If you’re not using ACE, you can implement this yourself by reverse engineering Bitbucket and using the somewhat limited UPM REST API documentation (

@remie I’m using ACE and I’m trying to check add-on on 5 instances. After ACE application restarts they still use old atlassian-connect.json(installed on instances by URL). And it seems normal behaviour.

Hmm… maybe we should ask @acalantog to add the ability to register to multiple dev/test instances on the improvement list :slight_smile:

Hi Remie,

Thanks for tagging me here. I’ve created an improvement issue for this request [ACEJS-138] - Ecosystem Jira for everyone to refer and vote to.


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