HOW TO do authorization code call in POSTMAN

I followed these instructions:

  1. [Direct the user to the authorization URL to get an authorization code]
  2. [Exchange the authorization code for an access token]
  3. [Authorize any calls to the product APIs using the access token]
  4. [Check site access for the app]

In order to authenticate in PostMan, I used the “authorization” tab and the “get new access token” button
And then once I clicked it and I got this error page

And now I can’t get the access token to authenticate my instance.

I noticed a couple other users have had this same issue but no solution has been posted or discussed. If anyone has any advice for me or if I did something wrong, please leave some comments so I can try and troubleshoot

I tried it just now and I was able to access my API tokens just fine.

Can you double-check using the following link?

For OAuth 2.0 flow testing in Postman, in the Authorization tab, on the left side, choose OAuth 2.0 and *Add authorization data to * Request URL .


On the right, under Configure New Token section, set Grant Type to Authorization Code. Click the box Authorize using browser, which will display a callback URL. Take that callback URL (should be something like and configure your app (on the side) to use that Postman callback URL.

Back to Postman, set:
Auth URL to
Access Token URL to
Client ID to your app’s client ID
Client Secret to your app’s client secret
Scope to include all of the scopes you need (ex: read:user:jira
State to any value
Client Authentication to Send as Basic Auth header

And finally… press that Get New Access Token button.

NOTE: In Postman’s auth URL, it would be nice if you could just paste your app’s Auth URL from the Atlassian dev console into Postman, but you can’t.


@SandraLukac Not sure if you saw my response above. If so, any luck?