How to encode parameters when calling Jira Cloud REST API

Hi community,

I’m using Forge app to query some Jira Cloud REST API. Can we encode the parameters when calling Jira Cloud REST API?

I tried to use encodeURIComponent encodeURIComponent() - JavaScript | MDN but the response data is not correct comparing with the parameters not encode

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Thanhbosua .

Yes you can encode URI components. The way to do this in Forge is using the route tagged template function explained here which does the encoding for you. Here is an example

const fetchCommentsForIssue = async (issueIdOrKey) => {
  const res = await api

  const data = await res.json();
  return data.comments;



Thank you so much @dmorrow !

I tried and it worked however I found a performance issue with this approach. I tested many times API call (‘/rest/api/2/search’):

  • without encoding and it took around nearly 2 seconds
  • with encoding and it took around 5-6 seconds

Is it true that using the route tagged template function will consume more time than normal?
Thanks again!